Optimizing Image Sizes
There are several gotchas that come when people begin to experiment
with container images that lead to overly large images. The first thing
to remember is that files that are removed by subsequent layers in the
system are actually still present in the images; they’re just inaccessible.
Consider the following situation:
└── layer A: contains a large file named ‘BigFile’
└── layer B: removes ‘BigFile’
└── layer C: builds on B by adding a static binary
了。但实际上它仍然存在于 A 层,这意味着无论何时推送或拉取镜像, BigFile仍
Another pitfall that people fall into revolves around image caching andbuilding. Remember that each layer is an independent delta from the
layer below it. Every time you change a layer, it changes every layer
that comes after it. Changing the preceding layers means that they need
to be rebuilt, repushed, and repulled to deploy your image to
To understand this more fully, consider two images:
└── layer A: contains a base OS
└── layer B: adds source code server.js
└── layer C: installs the ‘node’ package
└── layer A: contains a base OS
└── layer B: installs the ‘node’ package
└── layer C: adds source code server.js
最终生成的镜像包含所有三个层次,它是可以直接运行的,因为它包含了完整的应用环境和代码。启动容器时,容器中的 Node.js 进程将自动运行 server.js,因为在 CMD 命令中指定了 npm start。
It seems obvious that both of these images will behave identically, and
indeed the first time they are pulled they do. However, consider what
happens when server.js changes. In one case, it is only the change that
needs to be pulled or pushed, but in the other case, both server.js and
the layer providing the node package need to be pulled and pushed,
since the node layer is dependent on the server.js layer. In general,
you want to order your layers from least likely to change to most likely
to change in order to optimize the image size for pushing and pulling.
This is why, in Example 2-4, we copy the package*.json files and
install dependencies before copying the rest of the program files. A
developer is going to update and change the program files much more
often than the dependencies